Victim Quick Response Program
The Victim Quick Response Program Plus (VQRP+), funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and provides assistance and support to victims of violent crimes in Ontario.
The program offers limited financial assistance to alleviate the immediate financial burden on victims and survivors, allowing them to focus on their recovery and well-being.
Our team helps individuals understand the program’s criteria and assists with the application process.

Victim Quick Response Program
The Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP) provides limited financial assistance to victims of violent crimes who need immediate support that is unavailable through other means.
Eligible victims may include those affected by:
serious assault
gender-based violence (domestic violence)
sexual assault
hate crimes
criminal harassment
human trafficking
attempted murder/murder
child abuse & exploitation
Here’s what VQRP+ typically funds:
1. Immediate Needs
Basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter.
Emergency home safety measures (e.g., lock changes, window repairs).
2. Counseling and Therapy
Short-term professional counseling or therapy for victims, their immediate family members, and witnesses of violent crime.
3. Funeral Expenses
Assistance with funeral costs for homicide victims.
4. Crime Scene Cleanup
Professional cleaning services for residences where a violent crime occurred.
5. Transportation and Accommodation
Support for travel and accommodation expenses related to attending court, counseling, or medical appointments due to the crime.
6. Supports for Vulnerable Populations
Specialized supports for children, individuals with disabilities, or other vulnerable populations affected by the crime.
7. Other Needs
Costs related to personal recovery and safety, assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Eligibility, funding amounts, and approval are determined by MCCSS, based on the type of crime and the victim’s specific needs.
For more information about the Victim Quick Response Program, contact us at
1 (866) 376-9852 or
Are You a Registered Practitioner Looking to Register as an Approved VQRP+ Service Provider?
If so, please note the following important information:
The Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+), administered by Victim Services Bruce Grey and funded by the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services, provides essential short-term financial support. This assistance is available to:
Direct victims of violent crimes
Their immediate family members
Witnesses in the immediate aftermath of an incident
Program Objectives:
Cover urgent expenses related to the crime
Reduce the impact of the crime
Enhance safety
Address immediate needs
VQRP+ is a program of last resort, designed to assist those who:
Lack financial means
Do not have access to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
Cannot access publicly funded counselling services in a timely manner
Counsellor Selection Process:
Victim Services Bruce Grey maintains a list of individual counsellors from which eligible recipients may choose. Please note:
We cannot refer clients to counselling agencies—only to individual counsellors.
Counsellor Eligibility Requirements:
To participate in the VQRP+ program, counsellors must:
Be in good standing with their professional college (qualifying or student status not accepted).
Submit a completed Counsellor Profile Form, including:
Accreditation details (regulatory body and registration number)
Proof of current insurance coverage
A Vulnerable Sector Check completed within the past three years
A CRA Business Number (or indicate “No CRA Business #” if not applicable)
A witnessed signature on the final page
Referral and Payment Process:
Once approved, counsellors may receive referrals when selected by a VQRP+ recipient.
The Ministry will provide a case number upon approval of the recipient’s application.
The recipient will contact the counsellor directly to schedule the first appointment. (A Victim Services team member can also facilitate contact if requested.)
Counsellors should submit invoices directly to the Ministry portal for payment.
All sessions must be completed within 10 months from the approval date (no extensions allowed).
Next Steps:
Once you gathered all required information and documentation, please submit via email to Once approved, you will receive notification directly from the Ministry.
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your time and support of victim and survivors.